Thursday, June 30, 2016


Lupine and Poppies near Oak Tree burned in Rough Fire, North Fork of Kings River

     When I was twelve, I sneaked out of the tent trailer at daybreak and strolled toward a prominent hill rising above the campsite. The hill had for some reason attracted me ever since we had arrived, perhaps because of its numerous flowers and towering trees or because I was curious about what I would find at the top. I had never left camp before without permission; I remember intending only to walk over to the hill to ponder its strange attraction for a few moments. When I stood next to the hill, however, I felt dwarfed, yet drawn even more to its mysterious otherness, so I started scrambling up the steep slope, telling myself that I would turn back before anyone knew I was gone. I kept climbing higher, though, keenly aware of the time, until I reached a ridge. I paused, catching my breath, believing that some truth was about to be revealed to me, but when I gazed up the hill, I noticed only more of the same: trees, flowers, rocks, as far as the eye could see.

Root of the Element of Earth

     Disappointed, I turned to head back, spotting a bird with a brilliant red head and yellow body perched about fifteen feet away on the branch of a dead tree. I had never encountered such a bird before, and I slowly edged closer, amazed that it didn't fly away. I stared at it for a long time, believing that no one else had ever encountered such a dazzling bird before because I had never seen anything like it on TV or in magazines or in my neighborhood. Perhaps because I was so still, contemplating the bird and my surroundings, I could feel my personality slip away. The flowers, rocks and trees suddenly seemed timeless, and I was aware only of being, of gazing at a magical bird. As I stared, I became aware that the bird was part of one vast mysterious Being. I thought at first that this Being was the mountain, which seemed to go on forever in every direction, but then I gazed up at the sky: This Being was the Earth and the sky. Perhaps It was the entire cosmos, a cosmos that was aware that the bird and I were conscious of each other.
     I felt terrified, thinking that human life was no more significant than the life of any other creature, plant or animal, each in its own way as aware as any other being, each a point of awareness within a Being that extended forever in every direction. Just as I was feeling like a grain of sand within this vastness, the bird suddenly flew away. I chased after it and found it again perching in another tree, still seemingly unafraid but wary enough to keep its distance. Again I stared until the bird vanished, and I knew I needed to head back to camp. What if most human beliefs and values were wrong? What if the whole human experience with its amazing art and science and philosophy was just one minuscule fraction of this vast Being? What if awareness itself, the inexplicable connection with birds, flowers, trees, was the point of existence, not wealth or power or status? That thought unexpectedly filled me with peace even as I scrambled down the slope. I knew I had realized something important, something that made human striving seem absurd, yet I also knew that the people I knew would think me insane if I mentioned it, and something in me sensed that I would forget the whole experience.

Path 11

     Decades later, as I watched the sun set behind a mountain, I involuntarily stopped thinking, and my self dissolved into the scene before me, the clouds pink and orange and purple. I suddenly had strange thoughts, “There is no history, no time. I have no self, only awareness of being. My being is significant as an awareness of Being itself, the world sliding into darkness as points of light pierce the sky.” As I thought this, I came back to myself, feeling a twinge of terror because everything I had identified with my personality and the whole of human experience had dissolved for those few moments. Again I felt the deep peace and mystery of Being, and I remembered my long ago experience with a magical bird (the western tanager).

Path 32
     At key points in my life, mystical experiences have shown me that being is enough, that in fact it is all we have. I have even learned how to lose myself in Being through ritual and meditation. However, if you have a chronic illness that is slowly destroying your digestive system, this mystical connection doesn't help much in a practical way in terms of healing. I have realized that I am only able to deal with celiac disease through occultism. In other words, instead of remaining in the oneness of Being, I must bring spirit down into the planes of form to heal my body and mind. I have emptied my mind innumerable times to let go of negative mental patterns, a process similar to dissolving the “pain body.” I have also mentally purified my chakras, the energy centers of the aura. Those practices are important for achieving peace and enlightenment but don't cure my chronic illness, which continues to plague me, gripping me like fate. In my current condition, I have to invoke powerful, positive cosmic forces to heal myself. In my case, healing means improving my condition to the point that I am able to digest fruits and vegetables and meats effectively. Now I am only able to digest yams and potatoes and a few meats such as boiled chicken without discomfort, and I am afraid that my digestive system will soon fail to do even that much. I realize that I will never again be able to eat anything with even the most minuscule amount of gluten, of course, but when faced with the possibility that my digestive system might be shutting down, that limitation doesn't worry me too much.
     Recently, I performed The Ritual of the Sun. (See previous post.) Those of you who have kept up with my posts know that after I went through a process of mental purification, I developed the ability to “see” with my mind's eye the illness and negativity in my aura and my body. After the ritual I have mentally scanned my body and have seen only light in my torso, whereas before within the past year or so I have only seen blackness in my digestive system. I began feeling hopeful again after seeing that light within me, which has motivated me to continue healing myself by invoking powerful spiritual forces. I decided to perform a Tarot divination with this query: “What will be the outcome if I try to heal myself through my spiritual practices?” The result was surprising.

Path 23

     Using the Celtic Cross spread, I first dealt The World, then crossed it with The Fool. I recognized deep significance there: The World is the last path on the Tree of Life, connecting The Foundation (Yesod) with The Kingdom (Malkuth). The Fool is the first path emanating from the Crown of Creation (Kether). In other words, the first was crossing the last, suggesting the end and the beginning linked in a never-ending cycle with all other paths in between. End and beginning, beginning and end together. The Ace of Pentacles, symbolizing the harmony of all levels of being within manifestation, occupied the position of the "Root Cause," sometimes known as the “Goal or Destiny,” the best that can be accomplished in existing circumstances. All the cards in the layout contained a highly personal meaning for me. Of these cards, I will tell you only that they were spot on, but one especially deserves mentioning: The Hanged Man occupied the position of “Current Environment.” The Hanged Man, targeted as a traitor by a group of people, resembles in many ways The Ten of Swords. (See previous post.) Both suggest paralysis and death but reveal the potential for transformation and enlightenment. A surprising card occupied the position of “Final Result,” the most likely culmination of the situation: The Two of Cups.

Two of Cups
Venus in Cancer
Zodiac in Chokmah

     The Two of Cups symbolizes optimal health. A man and a woman, representing on one level the masculine and feminine energies of the psyche, face each other in balanced polarity. A caduceus wand rises between them, symbolizing the energy channels of the aura. Two of the channels, one masculine, one feminine, snake around the primary chakras and rise up around the central channel to reach the third eye chakra, the fiery lion's head with wings in the position of the crown chakra, the point where the soul meets the divine. The caduceus wand symbolizes the potent energies of the life-force in balance and stands as the symbol of health on all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Hence, its use as a symbol for the medical profession.
     Since I have committed myself to healing an intractable disease through contact with positive cosmic forces, I next performed a ritual with the Two of Cups as the central focus. The decanate associations of the Two of Cups are Venus in Cancer. The Tree of Life correspondence is the second sephira known as Chokmah, associated with the zodiac. Using the Tarot Pentagram Spread (see previous post), I invoked the Egyptian Gods associated with Cancer and Venus: Khepera and Hathor respectively. In the process, I learned what I had been missing in my earlier attempts to heal myself.
     After experiencing the energies of these Gods, I realized that it is often difficult to heal oneself because love of Being and love of self, after long periods of suffering, often vanish. After invoking Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of Love, I understood that healing begins with self-love, not a narcissistic egotism but a forgiveness of faults and a deep understanding and acceptance of one's being. Without that love, dark energy continues to occupy the aura and illness continues to return no matter how many times one eliminates the negative energy. To truly love oneself, one also feels love and compassion for all Being, for one is part of the other. Love provides the foundation for health. The Source provides the energies of transformation.

KHEPERA (Cancer)

Great Khepera, God of becoming,     

 spinning the cycles of life,
reveal the morning sun—
Show me the promise
of what I can become.
Transform me so that I live
in health and harmony
and create the life that I desire.
Let my inner light,
my higher self, shine
with the rising sun—
let me add my light
to the light of eternal Being,
serving thee and the one God
for the highest possible good.

HATHOR (Venus) 

Great Hathor, Goddess of love,    
Goddess of beauty, to whom
I have devoted my life, fill me
with thy light, fill my soul
with thy love so that I
may live in health and harmony,
knowing the abundance
and magnificence of Being,
knowing the beauty
of the Many within the One
and the One within the Many.
Let thy love banish all illness
and all negativity so that I
may add my love
to the love of all Being,
serving thee and the one God
for the highest possible good.

     Love and transformation are universal needs in this difficult time that we are experiencing as a species. Without love we can strive to eliminate problems and negativity but they will continue to return. Invoking the high spiritual energies of the Goddess of Love has helped me to manifest the love of self and love of Being that I need to truly eliminate negativity. The energies of Venus are unstable on the planes of form, but bringing down the highest spiritual love of the Goddess continues to have a positive, life-changing effect, especially as I continue to eliminate the negativity associated with chronic illness.

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