Monday, May 25, 2015


Wind Poppies, Mid May, 2015

     Last Saturday, I sat in the aerial gondola again at the North Fork of the Kings River, and I finally understood its significance, for in that forest even an aerial gondola to me is a dreamlike symbol: It represents a way that was prepared for someone, a way that will remain forever locked to me. As I gazed at the cable gleaming across the river, the gondola chained to the post, I understood, as though unlocking a dream, why throughout my life so many ways have remained closed to me.
Path 12
     When, during meditation years before, I envisioned symbols such as the thousand-petaled lotus, the lemniscate, and the golden equal-armed cross, the meaning of which I only later unlocked, I also saw in my mind’s eye black entities attached to me, headless spiders and insidious blobs and polyps. I mentally drained them into the magma below the earth, but I kept encountering more entities as I peeled back the layers of my subconscious mind. 
     One day during meditation I envisioned a black polyp under my arm and drained it away into the earth. The next day, a white growth, the size and shape of a musket ball, popped out through a slit in my armpit. A few weeks later I saw in my mind’s eye a black blob under my other arm. After I mentally drained the blackness away, a boil developed and soon another white ball--the same size and shape as the first one--oozed out. The same process occurred a few months later: I mentally drained a black entity from my armpit, and a few days later, I squeezed out a round, white growth from a large boil, quite painfully I might add.
     All during this process of physical and mental purification, I could clearly see in my mind’s eye what people have personified for ages as demons: insidious, sentient forces. In indigenous societies, shamans have dealt from time immemorial with these invisible entities that cause illness and lack of harmony in their hosts. Even in the bible, over twenty verses refer to Jesus healing people by casting out demons. Rational people nowadays, of course, believe that these so-called demons are simply germs invisible to the naked eye. However, I have realized that shamans, after activating the psychic senses, literally the “soul” senses, through the process of self-purification, can sense the malevolent entities. The demons are not germs but invisible, intelligent beings that latch onto the aura when a person is vulnerable.
(Imaginative Representation)
     A dimension of the psyche developed long before modern consciousness is key to self-purification. This subconscious dimension, experienced commonly at night, processes the internal and external worlds, including unknown forces, through symbolic dream language, personifying invisible sentient vibrations of energy as angels or demons or ghosts or spiders or polyps or monsters. In esoteric terminology, this is the astral dimension of the psyche. The conscious mind can manipulate this astral energy to heal the body and maintain harmony. Anyone who can see into his own dream world has the third eye open at least some of the time. During meditation, the conscious mind can employ the third eye to scan the body and aura to identify negative vibrations. Then the conscious mind can purge the negative forces through a simple act of will, draining them away into the earth so that they are eliminated from consciousness. 
     Through the astral dimension, we can cleanse the etheric dimension of the psyche, which is the foundation of the physical body. But we must begin by cleansing the spiritual level, bringing the pure white light down through the mental, astral, etheric and physical levels and eliminating the dark forces in each dimension of the psyche.

Aerial Gondola, North Fork Kings River
     (If you believe that this is all just new age clap-trap, create a crude pendulum with a thread and paperclip and hold it over your stomach or heart center.  In a few moments, the invisible energy of the chakra should make the pendulum start spinning. If you are like me, you should be able to get the pendulum to spin only in the astral or mental or spiritual levels of the chakra through a mental or verbal command.)
     The negative entities worked their way into my psyche over the years through holes in my aura created by typical childhood traumas, chronic illness, a few horrible love affairs, a few lousy jobs, exposure to toxic chemicals, the usual doses of drugs and alcohol. The more layers of my subconscious that surfaced, the more entities I discovered, as if some of them have clung to my soul for ages. Anyone who has not gone through the purification process is likely to have more than his fair share of them, especially in a society where spiritual hygiene is largely ignored.
Washed out Bridge
     These entities know your thoughts and are influencing you right now to think that I am a scoundrel, an idiot, a kook--in other words, they are confirming what you already believe. The last thing your entities want is for you to be aware of them because that might motivate you to rid yourself of them. In one way they are your most loyal companions.
     You think this is easy, my friend? Speaking my truth is a sure way of losing a job and never finding another one, of reasserting my status as a pariah in this community, but that is the sacrifice I am willing to make to open a channel for the Christ-force into your soul. Whether you believe me or not, of course, is entirely up to you.
     The dark entities nearly destroyed me and could do the same to you or those you love. Unless, of course, they remain dormant. I mentioned in a previous post that the ghost of a recently deceased man, whom I at one time had publicly insulted, attacked me one night. His demons, which in life manifested primarily as an abuse of power, remained at bay because he managed to stay in a position where his ego was constantly stroked. He experienced enough ego satisfaction throughout his entire life that he never faced his demons, but when he died and no longer experienced social constraints, the negative entities took over his psyche and he became demonic, delighting in revenge. I don’t blame him, but if I did not know how to ward off malicious spirits, he would no doubt still be tormenting me. 

Native American Site next to North Fork of Kings River

     In many cultures, people instinctively fear that ghosts will come back to harm them. The ancient Romans called these malevolent spirits “lemures.” Republican and Imperial Rome dedicated May 9, 11, and 13 to their placation in the ritual household practices of Lemuria. The head of household would rise at midnight and cast black beans behind him with averted gaze, hoping that the lemures would feast on them and be satisfied. These rituals, now considered sheer superstition inspired mainly by guilt, have a basis in spiritual reality that we ignore at our peril. 
     Because I have experienced the process of self-purification, I am able to sense and sometimes see with my mind’s eye these entities in other people. Because I am aware of the entities and therefore pose a threat to their existence, the entities cause some people to subconsciously fear me, making those people dislike me almost instantly. Woe is me if I encounter a person with some power or authority over me who is controlled by one or more of these demons. John Blackmore is seething with them, so much so that if I am even in his vicinity, I sense that he experiences an overwhelming homicidal impulse. Because I have activated my soul senses, his silent malice practically screams at me, but nobody else, not even his wife, seems to notice. Unfortunately, even if I could find a shaman to exorcise his demons, negative thought-forms would continue to attract the entities back to him unless he radically changes his thought-processes through self-purification, similar to the way that maintaining any attitude, negative or positive, attracts people of like mind.
Harvest Brodiaea
Mid May, 2015
     The ancient philosopher Plotinus says that the souls of men are demons. Because of what I’ve experienced, I have a more generous view: I believe the souls of humans can eventually become demonic because negative entities attach to us when we are vulnerable. The good news is that the soul can be healed through mental and physical purification.
     Other ways to avoid facing your demons include binging on TV or the internet, working yourself to death, shopping till you drop, using drugs and alcohol. In fact so many ways exist in this society to avoid them that it is a wonder anyone faces them at all. This is all fine and dandy until someone plagued by these entities tries to murder you or gets his hands on a nuclear arsenal. I only faced them because I hit rock bottom due to chronic illness, a condition that even some of my closest friends and relatives don't really believe that I have. (You see, I’m used to people not believing me.) The entities remain your closest companions unless you experience a break through to the soul, which usually includes a fair amount of suffering and upheaval, enough pain at least for you to question established belief systems, even those that on the surface appear rational. 

Pounding Stone on Cliff (Mortar in Foreground)
     I struggle with celiac disease, always have, probably always will. Recently, when mentally scanning my body, I have seen black energy filling my entire torso, which I have drained away into the earth again and again, but it has always returned. Last Saturday, however, as I sat in the aerial gondola, I mentally scanned my body, and I could see my entire torso filled with light. I had finally purified my aura and body enough that the blackness was gone, at least for a little while, replaced by healing light, which I associate with the Christ-force. At least now I have some hope that it might go away completely.
     Then I returned to a stream above the river that I had begun to explore a few weeks earlier. I hiked, mindful of snakes, through long, dry grass and harvest brodiaea in a clearing with streams on each side.  In the forest, a clearing on a gentle incline between two sources of water usually indicates that people once settled there. Searching for artifacts, I found what resembled a house pit before I turned and glimpsed in the canyon far below a Native American site near a washed out bridge. I couldn’t, however, find any pounding stones so I kept going higher on the ridge next to the stream. I found several indentations in the ground, what appeared to be house pits, on the hillside, but I could not find any other evidence of a settlement. Since the slope above the clearing was so steep, I concluded that the soil over the past century must have slid down the hillside, hiding any proof of a Native American presence. On my way down the hill, just as I had given up hope of finding artifacts or pounding stones, I discovered a few shallow mortars in a rock beyond the reach of sliding mud or eroding soil on a cliff overlooking the stream.
     I used to think that I needed to find the right job or help the right person get elected or fight evil-doers in my spare time. In other words, I believed that I needed to fix external circumstances. As I stood by the pounding stone, I realized a simple truth: Some things outside of me do need to be fixed, but I am the only person who can create harmony in my own sphere of influence through my thoughts and feelings and actions.
     I can do good things for other people, but I can’t control them. I can’t keep people from thinking or saying horrible things about me or ruining my career or trying to kill me. I cannot recreate the past or keep someone with me who no longer wants to be in my life. I am only likely to help stem the tide of ecocide and genocide by healing my own mind and body and helping others do the same. It’s a vicious cycle, I realized: the more I keep fighting external circumstances, the more negativity I feel, and the more I attract negative people and entities that feed off of negative energy. 
     As I lounged on a stone in the clearing, I had an epiphany, one that I might never have experienced if other ways had not been closed to me. Throughout the centuries sick people have twisted the meaning of the Christ, torturing and killing and exterminating whole tribes in His name. But the Christ is not a man, not a He--the Christ is a cosmic force of harmonizing love and understanding that induces spiritual exaltation, leading ultimately to the Vision of Harmony, the understanding that all things are fields of energy within one consciousness. It is a healing force that leads to physical health and emotional, mental, and spiritual balance within the soul. I have often unexpectedly experienced an inexplicable exaltation of the mind, a feeling that I am able to reproduce through experiences in nature and the arts, but without self-purification I would not have healed myself nor would I have fully experienced the magnificence, abundance, and harmony within the human soul.


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